Test water without testing

Test water without testing without using a test kit

Test water without testing sounds impossible, but such is not the case. Learn how to read symptoms. Educate yourself about the nitrogen cycle and the water your fish live in. It won’t be easy, but if you have a greater understanding of these things, you can keep your fish safe without using a test kit. That being said, I highly recommend testing regularly, however, in some parts of the world, they’re unavailable. There are also times when the budget just won’t allow the added expense

Goldfish affected by ammonia exhibit the same symptoms as fish being poisoned by carbonate mineral. Due to the burning sensation, the fins clamp tight to the body

Burns show as white marks on the body. These marks later turn black as they’re healing. Most fish poisoned by ammonia die from oxygen deprivation because their gills swell. Healthy fish might survive a cycle, but most fish will be poisoned again and again. Cycles are most commonly broken when filters and pumps are cleaned, or by performing 100% water changes

Test water without testing

Nitrite, the second toxin to be converted in the cycle is slow to show symptom wise. By the time it does the fish could be injured. The good news is, if you fully understand the nitrogen cycle you will be prepared for a spike in ammonia or nitrites, and even know how to avoid one

Next to ammonia poisoning and oxygen deprivation, nitrates are the leading cause of the death in the industry. Don’t let this happen to your fish

Pet shops offer free test results, however, ask for specific readings

Learn about the nitrogen cycle by reading the 10 Steps to Goldfish Koi Keeping

Common tap water minerals

Pet shops offer free results just for the asking. Test tap and aquarium water to compare the two

Type of stone, the trees and vegetation all contribute to the mineral content of the ground. Carbonate levels will more than likely be high if you live close to the sea, unless your water is filtered. If you live in a location far from the sea, where the ground is clay with little or no rocks, your water may be low in mineral value

GH (general hardness) two parts magnesium and one part calcium
KH (carbonate hardness) carbonate mineral

The two parameters above make up total hardness. Examine separately in order to keep fish healthy. Both are two very different minerals that perform very different tasks. GH keeps our fish healthy by providing necessary minerals they need from the water they live in. KH gives water the ability to support oxygen; to support life

Withholding food to disrupt the nitrogen cycle is a common practice in the industry, however cruel

Learn everything you can about the symptoms sick fish exhibit by reading Diagnose symptoms and Treat

Test water without testing
Test water without testing

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Author: Brenda Rand


By Venus

Master goldfish keeper